Carlos Arredondo, Carlos, Arredondo, Chile, Scotland, music, poetry, culture, Latin America  

Walking Inside my mind*

Edinburgh, Nov 2009

Everyday, every minute I discover with my walk every space of my thoughts.
I explode like a star in the sky and yet I survive that person next to me: My
wonderful woman!
Sleeping and dreaming profoundly: baffled the mechanism of my soul. I do not know if I want to come to reality.

On earth, I evade every mystery with songs and laughter.
Every minute, every second, I search for peace: inside and outside my
intransigent world.

Next, I search for men of war - to put my bloody fingerprint in front of their
Gods. Care less for their sacrifices based on the torments of the weakest.




• This is my first poem written in English. I translated it into Spanish after.


  Carlos Arredondo, Carlos, Arredondo, Chile, Scotland, music, poetry, culture, Latin America